Samstag, 18. September 2010

garlic is the exclusive symbol of culture by the Korean-style garlic

garlic is the exclusive symbol of culture by the Korean-style garlic , I began focusing on Korea and Korean society deeply immersed in the mixed with the smell. Japan is the tea in with the fish smell. Only South Korea's Kang everywhere denounced the stubbornly thick garlic. like this pretentious garlic - like, only the recognition of Korean culture in Korean society, which kind of absolutism still dominate South Korea. moncler Korea has always been a single nation state, was formed using only one language such as the unique culture of quality. It is the lack of China's multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society showing the broad inclusive. With strong curiosity in Japan, greedily absorb foreign culture, and create their own unique culture. foreign culture is not exclusive, but rather to introduce the attitude of tolerance, such diversity of thought, is the lack of Korean .
a long time, Korea has been advocated and advertised himself as a capitalist, but is not bound by an ideology, a lack of free-spirited atmosphere of democracy, precisely because of the homogeneity of the same as the garlic to the same - voice, moncler jackets the same color to rule the whole community and the entire nation, this has led to a raise even if it was different or dissenting views, unique ideas, often also for suppression. Korean meals are mostly placed in the garlic and spicy cabbage kimchi hot pot to do, very monotonous, not worth mentioning. Compared with the Chinese and Japanese dishes, recipes few species and a single. Every time I go Korea or hot pot menu, only the monotonous food like rice, for which I am very troubled. Although the introduction of foreign cuisine, moncler sale but the taste is not flattered meal spicy cabbage and other Korean dishes, had not a week, eat get people boring, and had to go to the supermarket and buy bread and milk Song to improvise, not in Korea as in Japan as the world enjoy a variety of Lay delicacies. no personality in the discussion

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