Sonntag, 26. September 2010

13, hypertension

13, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: celery seed * one or two, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water Jiantang, early, middle and late drinking a cup. not moncler afraid of spicy who can, as early in the evening eat raw garlic 2, have lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects. 14, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, fry a bowl of soup dose, day Second, take a half months. 15, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: wheat flour each half with two Chaojiao, add appropriate amount of sugar and mix thoroughly with water, before meals, clothing, day ,2-3 days of secondary effects. Ji eating persimmons, bananas, oily.16, dyspepsia moncler jackets indigestion with children: two fried chicken nap Paper 4 research into yellow powder, with sugar water before meals Chongfu, the second day, a 2 money about half spoon children half a can be served, Jichi snail. 17, chest tightness, inflatable: white radish seeds * 5 money, fry a bowl of soup suits, three times a day, once every 3 days with consumers shun gas positive the effect. 18, neurological decline: 1 2 pig brains by adding a spoon of honey, steamed food, one day he ate 5-10 days. 19, anemia: chickens, ducks, it will blood flow in a clean white paper, dried bunched up into powder and serve with wine notes, a half-spoon flour, the second day, with half serving. avoid kelp. 20, heat dry mouth: Reed moncler sale Rhizome * , mung bean money of all five, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar to eat bean soup reed rhizome, serving the second day, with service three days.

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