Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011

The government is greatly only a

Five, the norm manage and have the preface development the place financing institution
It exists as follows some problems in financing institution development in the place.One is a development the strategy is similar, majority of organization competition abilities aren,t strong.Two is a legal person to manage a mechanism disfunctional.Majority of city trading companies, agriculture trading company and trust cooperation built up share system, but majority of shares control in the public finance section, country of place to support Wei and government hurl margin platform or state-owners enterprise hand in the place in, the government is greatly only a , the mechanism of checks and balances is out of order.The agriculture believes an agency because of share scatter, the binding force of society member shareholder isn,t strong.Three is manage a system haven,t managed to follow.Place stateowned financial business enterprise tube property and tube person, take care of a kimono duty to partition mutually;The agriculture believes an agency management system in, province allied agency and government management platform and legal person entity is integral whole, the government Qi doesn,t divide;The lately- established quasi- financing institution takes charge of not and definitely.The not taking charge of of the examination and approval is responsible for the section of management and doesn,t examine and approve, result is who also take care of not good.Four certain organization existence the risk Be concealed to suffer from, help a mechanism disfunctional.Such as many agricultures believe old organization burdens, such as agency and city trading company...etc. heavy;The small sum loan company, margin guarantees company etc. new(is quasi-) financing institution business the mode isn,t mature, the policy laws is disfunctional, the operation manages norm not;Some places bank, agriculture letter agency issue finance mangaing product, and visit Be left to in addition to form, its risk is hard effectively supervision.

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