Dienstag, 16. November 2010

"the message

"finally back. Well, I said a good taste good, and then Sleep Day 3-----" said Lin Hao excited. "Yes! finally back alive! "Blue Hao feeling that it is after all, training, the first time. Action is a week-Implementation of the mandate of the first members of a comprehensive training in a test---- "report, the first task team war Wolf 15 people to report for instructions-HO loud" blue team back to Wang Hui said. "the message, you! Back to the rest, "there are important tasks that they are ready," Wang Hui looked at them from just under the training of soldiers, said the happy!
and the sky is black, Bitter Moon fall gently in the earth, complained that this piece of land to their homeland.
The pace and tidy, the strong military spirit. The prevailing in the dark-----" whether or not to allow them to rest days of tomorrow, after all, the mandate of the Armed Police Corps to complete. "Looking at the gradually leave the soldiers, Cheng Hui have expressed their doubts. "No, we do not have much time, there were already about Africa signed the contract. As long as we have to sign, they also need to combat exercise "wang tao look at the distant shadow absorption of a deep breath" actual combat experience is that they are lacking. you worry-to believe them. " "In the other teams ready? "he asked. "Ready! I believe we can do a good job. President Bill Clinton said the "Cheng Hui said. ell-eating well enough. " "finally able to sleep." "There is a feeling of home-----" christian louboutin shoes

8 In a certain base Yunnan-----rumbling of the whereabouts of the helicopter slowly

heard command, group members without any hesitation. One year training in order to train them as they are all! ! ! ! "And palpitate----" drug traffickers in fear of a fall-----guns have been stopped, the world back to the quiet. But the bullets on the ground in the risk of heat, blue Ho. The quiet in the body of the drug traffickers, "they deserve. ! ! "headquarters" Notice, end of the mandate for rehabilitation. "Blue Ho back and watch the players to continue to face some blanch said:" force, to collectively. "
evening casually scattered in the quiet mountain. The caption sunset, seemed to suggest that the complaints have killed! In the dark shadows Yang raised blood-to fly from afar. ! ! ! The helicopter louboutin sale is blue Ho their return. ! The first chapter, No. 8 In a certain base Yunnan-----rumbling of the whereabouts of the helicopter slowly. The airport, Wang Tao instructors, the Director of the first foreign leader of the special forces unit. In view of the aircraft landed there quietly-has finally come back! " "Yes". ! ! As a perfect and complete implementation of the mandate of the first contingent, and they have very good! Cheng Hui instructors ", the Special Forces Unit of the current deputy group leader said.

Nano helmets-cuff

"Pop-POP----" The sound of gunfire rang low, and that ran down the man went up accordingly.. The remaining half red blood from the skull spraying out -- "! ! PLA-fast, Return! ! ! "The drug traffickers called confusion to the border to Go! ! ! "Bang, Bang-around guns" masterpiece. Drug traffickers were running to sweep. "The siege. Fast hidden---- christian louboutin sale 1, "the group. cut off the drug traffickers, retreat. Drug traffickers in the exchange of fire-" Bang, Bang-"
Golden shells with heat from the chest, back into-Rolling fell off on the lawn. The earth was quiet, guns and knocked down to death were not immediately to the voice of the drug traffickers are intertwined. "Fast, swept over the past. ! fire swept the road. ! ! Fast---- "drug traffickers 2 leader called loudly. The Group up to 1, a former heavy fire. ! ! !
"finally find you! "The smile Han Fei sniper guns at his elegant trigger the deduction action. "Pop-----"
"Monitoring----" 2 head straight forward physical collapse. The first were destroyed, such as blood fountain will disappear in the air-was astonished by the other drug traffickers, threatened the trembling-----1 group ", with me. "Blue Hao end conflict through a 95 rifles, and the other members immediately thereafter. "creditors-creditors-Dance" bullets in the air. "The father, Liu Yu Tin), grenade cover. "Blue Hao cried. The move, a wave sweeping mad! "strife-----" there was a loud noise and hand grenades were really a good job in two drug traffickers, side, the bombing of a fragmented. Other drug traffickers psychological finally collapsed. ! ! ! ! ! "Do n,t shoot, we surrender-" drug traffickers would have to be the head, kneeling on the ground. !
"All kneeling on the ground, do not know, I would like to see you in your hands. ! ! "Blue Hao loud cries," cover attack group. Group 1 with me over the past. ! "We see the drug traffickers who has never seen such a long time the PLA. ! Wearing special combat uniforms, can prevent infrared detection. The latest nanotechnology bulletproof vests. Only 2kg but its effects can stop bulletproof close AK-47 bullets. Nano helmets-cuff, gloves. Military harness. Of course, these are not aware of the drug traffickers. They only know well equipped to face the grease paint, s Liberation Army, slowly came in. It is estimated that there is not far from snipers targeting them. The PLA has finally come out. Thus cried "brothers to fight! The back of death. Now there is hope that the fight. "Thus drug traffickers are up to the resistance----" knew that you will-! "Blue Hao carrying guns" Actions 1 group-".

" He is here at the 3rd

"To maintain telephone Silence! Do n,t speak! "They said that blue Hao heard constantly command to the" information, it is very accurate, has confirmed that the 3rd. All hidden now banned words. "" Sllt-captain 1 watch suspicious, request confirmation. "not far from the observer of poisonous teeth in the forefront of modern report. "Observe! I immediately-- "" a group of vigilance, attacks on the group, waiting for orders. "Blue hao, a cat back to the close.
bushes, even in front of you will not be found in two hidden at any time you fatal blow to the wild. "The leader of the individual."We hope that the optical glasses will continue to give blue Hao said," He is here at the 3rd, 2 has been tracking and found that there is no problem. However, I felt he had told me. "Through the telescope, blue Ho observed that some 30 years old, wearing a commonplace, it is very normal, yes! No, "he is doing what? "Blue HO asked. "According to the investigation team to visit their relatives. "The small voice said. "visitor? No! I think that he was exploring the way. His back basket, filled with weeds. Visits to weed? "That the call in the neck button. "The Group, noted that the goal as soon as possible, to combat readiness. Attacks on the Panel, the standby-" 1 "understand" 2 "understand" attacks "understand" group-----seemed verify the assumption that the blue Hao, who suddenly in a small hill hidden. Not long ago, a distance from the border troops of the woods, about 30 people each year, and equipped. "The Group-The Group noted that the objective, prepared to fight! snipers, awaiting signals, kill firepower. "1" understand and appreciate 2. The Group is ready to attack-" hear the group is ready, blue Hao, 95 rifles opened the insurance for their action in the encirclement-Jing-quiet so mad-looking into the armed drug traffickers gradually ambush circle. The Special Warfare team were very excited. After all, this year is the training of the comprehensive test. The test of their capacity. It is the need for their test-----tree of Korea, closely with the jq style 12.7 mm sniper shot eyes front, which is to catch a goal of attacks on "Report of the Group found the objective. Request for shooting. "Korea want to report to the blue hao! "waiting for orders. "Blue Ho looked at the group of people, a minute later will be the body. This Order, therefore, not to leave live-----is the drug traffickers were found environment is not normal around too quiet. ! Apart from their own follow the footsteps, there is no other voices, not normal. at the forefront of the grease paint and one with the AK-47, suddenly found what is left with fists, the stop-drug traffickers were stopped in the middle of a drug trafficking and to move forward, and asked how stopped. "wrong here, may have been christian louboutin shoes surrounded. "the man said that in the front. "Oh! You set? "The fear of man. "The soldiers in my 10 years, it is not wrong. quick return to the border to nothing. Quick! "What seems to have a is expected to return to run-----that drug traffickers were aware of what! Blue Hao decisive order. 1 "group, particularly from the North over the past, cutting off their retreat. attack, principal and firepower attack. Action! ! ! "

A black soldier

The difficult training has just begun, the day, 16 soldiers left, they have no confidence will survive. Each of the silence of baggage, camp out-----the quiet night. Blue HO does not know whether it will adhere to it. ! ! But he did not give up! He is now the only firm can do.
hard physical training until the end of the three months later. This was left to the less than 80. A half---- 3 months of training, the group of people from the delicate white students, a black soldier. Real fighters-Lizheng! " ! ! "Credit" -- to hear the voice "tidy the default vigorously. "Congratulations to you all the first phase of training. Beginning tomorrow, you will begin to truly a special military skills. Cheng Hui "in view of the main stage after a rigorous physical training, leaving the soldiers. "It is left of their own ideal, I hope you can later in the training will survive. Can we? "to". ! ! ! ! "Blue Ho and his comrades vigorously full roared voices across the sky-----he nodded and dissolution. " 3 months of the end of the training. The training has finally started-----
Members of the training is bad, so a took! The following chapter will begin blue Hao carry out its mandate. ! The training will insert into the implementation of the mandate of the time. ! ! ! !
Chapter 7 of the first volume Chapter 7 of the year 2011, July 2, 3 points. Myanmar border near-----the dense forest gloomy hanging christian louboutin sale over the sky. "The situation, information is wrong, we have the potential for one week. It also does not appear. "A Distant only saw the weeds, Lin Hao Modern wind, face haggard eyes full of blood, the voice of the mobile phones to blue Hao, modern, is the only changes in the special team leader, said that the scandal. "The long border line, from drug traffickers can pass any transit, the information is accurate? "not far away in a disguised as a tall tree branches of trees, head of the Prince Of Han Fei modern attack group, said later.

Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Your eyes there is no law

Looked at Huang Tianxiong, Yang Zhiming head down.

"All this I know."

Huang Xiaoling Waring Road, since their own things will be dragged, Huang Tianxiong so, too? In fact, private, Yang Zhiming and General Huang Tianxiong are a few

privately call back, but disappeared in the Huang Xiaoling, the two would no longer anything to do.

Cover the face, Huang Tianxiong despite the image of crying. Oriole has taken out the nose followed. Husband and wife will cry to the lowest point the indoor

atmosphere of pressure.

Mr Chen pulled the collar, and a look of impatience.

"Then find ah! Your mother, and two gang is boss can not find a man?"

"Looking?" Huang Tianxiong half to flow out of the nose, looked at the same time, Mr Chen like hell, can not help but to back a couple of body position.

"The whole city of Kam water, I turned a few times and did not know!"

Yang Zhiming, frowning, his face hate color, contemplation, the palm of your hand into a ball joints crackling sound.

"You ... ... your eyes there is no law!" Lin Ye frantic, just let the two unscrupulous persons in the police station so insolent.

Lin Ye deaf ears, cry cry, to think things like, curse curse. Straight Qiqiaoshengyan angry police officers this forest.

"... ..."

I kind of envy Chow

Interrogation room, the atmosphere quickly dropped to below zero, full of the smell of gunpowder to the presence of all feel very depressed.

Looked around, pulled by a Mr Chen, pork and yellow mood only slowly subsided. Her head, a tearful pork Huang said: "Victor, I have been the person who is almost

thirty, so many years in the hang Mopa roll, everyone thought I was romantic by nature, not a nice guy ... ... But who really understand me The others do husband, a

brother and father is difficulties? "

Trail mix in the most taboo is to have family!

Pork looked yellow oriole also face tears to cry.

"My husband, do not cry ... ..."

"Actually, I kind of envy Chow." Yang Zhiming watching, tears in his eyes said: "From the debut of all time was the oldest are considered the dark horse, scold

surprised gangster past five years ... ... name has also been, Lee also been, to help stabilize the shark, then mission accomplished ... Chow ... "

I do not know why, Lin Ye could not get a trace of patience at this time to stop the two, watching a gang before the tears in his big brother, this unexpected state of

affairs, for a time did not know what to do.

"In fact, I would like to! Mixed a lifetime, Causing loss of lives, I also tired, but what are the means? Brothers are still waiting for my bread where this face, and

now there will be factions in the dispute, I Pork yellow can turn a blind eye? "

Mr Chen fingers knocking on the table, looked at Huangtian Xiong Zhi Dengdeng.

Mother, sister and your wife and children is your weakness, this who do not know! : Pull out with a little finger Taoer Duo, and a look of her, my heart went on: But

then again, did not think three is so important to you.