Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

OGDEV: game music production focus on areas in which production costs do?

OGDEV: game music production focus on areas in which production costs do? .Ming Hua: production costs, according to music industry making the habit, we were divided into two aspects of creation and production, creative ideas for the soundtrack, accounting for about half, MIDI production accounted for part of the other is playing and recording aspects; midi production and instrumental performance practice, we collectively, the the cost of arrangement is like that. other as research, planning, etc. are generally free of charge Herve Leger to developers.OGDEV: Well, if quantified, then a game's production cost usually accounts for what percentage of the overall do? .Ming Hua: from the mainland online game R & D cost structure point of view, is generally accounted for the entire game development costs 1 100 or less, and the situation abroad is low. But with the development of the entire game industry, music, some are are more and more attention, and this is our professional game music production agencies are pleased, it is also beginning to enter the game on the door to the reason for music production industry. .OGDEV: how do you see the current state of game music production market .

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